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Extranjeros - Part 4 - Las fiestas (GCSE Reader - Sentence Builder Book Series)

bởi Language Gym
Translation missing: vi.product_price.price.original RM50.50 MYR - Translation missing: vi.product_price.price.original RM50.50 MYR
Translation missing: vi.product_price.price.original
RM50.50 MYR
RM50.50 MYR - RM50.50 MYR
Translation missing: vi.product_price.price.current RM50.50 MYR
Translation missing: vi.product_price.price.tax_line_html

In the explosive conclusion to the Extranjeros series, Sam finally uncovers the secrets of his past with dramatic consequences.

Back in Toledo as the town gears up for las fiestas, Sam and his friends try to make sense of their frightening encounter at La Almazara. But before they can act on the information they’ve uncovered, their lives are again thrown into jeopardy.

With his friends’ lives in the balance, Sam must get to the heart of the mystery surrounding his background, no matter the personal cost.

Who is so desperate to keep Sam’s true identity concealed? To what lengths will they go to stop Sam finally finding the truth? Will his efforts save the lives of his friends? Or should he let sleeping dogs lie?

Conceived for, and with input from, GCSE Spanish students, the Extranjeros series brings the GCSE topic areas to life through an engaging and exciting mystery in some of the most beautiful locations in Spain.